About the Foundations Course

Who’s it for?

Anyone is welcome to sign up but it is specifically aimed at the following groups of people:

  • Those who are new to the faith and want to understand more about the Christian life
  • Those who have been Christians for a while but want to revisit the foundations
  • Those who are struggling and would value the chance to meet with others to refresh faith


What Will the sessions cover?

  • Week 1- What is a Christian? What does that mean? How does someone become one? What does it look like?
  • Week 2- What do Christian believe? What are the essential truths we must hold onto?
  • Week 3- What do Christians do? What are the basic disciplines we need to develop so we can grow?
  • Week 4- What is the nature of the Christian life? What should we expect as we live out our faith in the world?

The course normally runs from 7:30pm-9:00pm.

For more info please contact us: