Reaching Out
We are passionate about reaching our town with the Good News that the Creator of the universe loves them and says that they’re worth dying for. We are a church on a mission and so everyone plays their part. Here are some of the things we do.
Alpha Course
Alpha is a brilliant introduction to the Christian faith for those wanting to find out more. It’s a 10-week series that we run at least once a year and there is no obligation or expectation from us at the end of it.
There is no cost for those attending and we'll provide a meal each week to get the conversation started.
Discipleship Course
The Discipleship Course is for those people who have made a choice to follow Jesus but want to learn how to do that more effectively. It’s ideal for new Christians (especially those who have just completed Alpha) BUT also for those who have walked with Jesus a little longer.
Foundations Course
This 4 week course is for anyone who wants to attend but it is specifically aimed at the following groups of people:
- Those who are new to the faith and want to understand more about the Christian life
- Those who have been Christians for a while but want to revisit the foundations
- Those who are struggling and would value the chance to meet with others to refresh faith
The Bible Course
The Bible course is an introduction to the Bible designed for new Christians but would also be useful as a refresher course for more mature Christians. It covers questions such as: How does God speak to us today? How did we get the Bible? Can we trust it? How do we interpret it? What is it about? As a follow-up there is also a Bible overview course which summarizes the main message of the Bible.
Freedom In Christ Course
Freedom in Christ is a very popular course and a brief promotional video can be found via the link below.
Love Chesterfield
24 ways to bring hope to your neighbourhoods and communities with our Blessings Bingo Chart. How many can you get?
- Offer someone spoken words of encouragement
- Ring somebody you haven't spoken to in a while, tell them you're thinking of them and ask them how they are
- Take your neighbours bins out
- Wash someone's car
- Pray for the same friend or family member every day for a whole week
- Walk someone's dog
- Do some gardening for a person in your locale
- Bake a cake for a neighbour of friend
- Take someone out for coffee
- Take someone out for lunch
- Host someone for dinner
- Give somebody a lift somewhere - go the extra mile!
- Write someone an unexpected note/letter of thanks or encouragement
- Create a handmade gift for someone
- Buy someone a thoughtful gift
- Volunteer for something - nice and open-ended
- Babysit so your friends can go out one evening
- Ask someone how you can pray for them - "is there an area of your life where you feel your joy has been stolen?"
- Pay for a strangers coffee or shopping
- Pray a blessing over someone
- Give a small gift to a delivery man
- Tell somebody about Jesus and what he has done in your life
- Invite someone to a church event
- Bring someone to a church event